All About Louise Rennsion!!

Wednesday 30 January 2008

Scales and codes!

In all of Louise's book's, she uses two different types of scales. These are the 'Snogging Scale' and the 'Loosing It Scale'.

The snogging scale is refered to all through the books!
To see the Snogging Scale click on the link below:
This is the 'Loosing It Scale':

The ace gang uses the 'Loosing It Scale' to refer to how angry somebody is.

1. Minor tiz
2. Complete tiz and to do
3. Strop
4. A visit to Strop Central
5. F.T (funny turn)
6. Spaz attack
7. Complete ditherspaz
8. Nervy b. (nervous breakdown)
9. Complete nervy b. (complete nervous breakdown)
10. Ballisticissimus

Georgia and her 'Ace Gang' make up words and use slang, and there is a glossary at the end of each book for readers to see what the words mean.

Piddly diddly department - Toilet
Poo parlour division - Toilet
Pingy pongoes - Very bad smell
Nippy noodles - Cold
Parky - Coat
S'laters - See you later
Billy Shakespeare land - England
Kiwi-a-gogo-Land - New Zeland
Och Aye Land - Scotland
Frogs'-legs-a-gogo Land - France
Hamburger-a-gogo-Land - USA
Lederhosen-a-gogo Land - Germany
Pizza-a-gogo Land - Italy
Mariachi-a-gogo Land - Mexico
Swiss-cheese-a-gogo-Land - Switzerland
Erlack - Yuck!
Marvy - Marvelous
Gorgey - Georgeous
Geoggers - Geography
Blodge - Biology
Froggy - French
Nervy spaz - Nevous spasm
Nervy b - Nervous breakdown
Boy entrancers - False Eye lashes
Tarts wardrobe - Girls Toilets
Particular horn - Being attracted to one person
General horn - Being attracted to more than one person
Cosmic horn - Being attracted to everyone

These are some of the expressions that Georgia uses for shock and disbelief:
1. Blimey O'Reilly's trousers!
2. What in the name of pantyhose?!

1 comment:

sophie said...

hi hannah your blog is really good, ireally like the3 way you have planed it out